ESR Spectroscopy for Detecting Gamma-Irradiated Shellfishes

방사선 조사된 조개류의 확인을 위한 ESR Spectroscopy의 이용

  • 남혜선 (한국원자력연구소 식품검지실) ;
  • 양재승 (한국원자력연구소 식품검지실)
  • Published : 2001.02.01


Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy was used to investigate the effect of irradiation dose on the ESR signal intensity and to identify the stability of radicals after 9 weeks of storage in order to detect irradiated shellfishes. The irradiated shellfishes (short-necked clam, purplish washington clam, freshwater clam, jackknifed clam, scallop and hard-shell mussel) presented an asymmetric absorption in shape at $g_{1}$=2.002~2.003 and $g_{2}$=1.998. The strength of the ESR signal increased linearly with the applied doses (1~7 kGy). A highly positive correlation coefficients ($R^{2}$=0.9136~0.9896) were obtained between the irradiation dose and corresponding ESR signal intensity. The intensity of the signals after irradiation was stable even after 9 weeks of storage at 5$\pm$1$^{\circ}C$.



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