Development of Integrated Fatigue Strength Assessment System

피로강도평가를 위한 통합 전산 시스템의 개발

  • Published : 2001.02.01


An integrated fatigue strength assessment system was computerized. The system developed consists of 9 modules: user interface, cycle counting, load history construction, data searching, fatigue properties estimation, fatigue data analysis, true stress and strain analysis, expert system for crack initiation life prediction, fatigue crack initiation and propagation life prediction. Fatigue strength database also was included in this system. The fatigue expert system helps a beginner to predict a fatigue crack initiation life in fatigue strength assessment. The expert system module in this system is developed on the personal computer by using C language and UNiK, an expert system developing tool. To evaluate the system, the results of test under variable loading of SAE and failure data from a field were analyzed. The evaluation show that the system provided fatigue life prediction within 3-scatter band and gave reasonable predictions. To get more accurate predictions of fatigue life without fatigue properties, we recommend utilizing the system along with the fatigue strength database.



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