경쟁그래프와 경쟁수에 대하여

  • 김서령 (경희대학교 이학부 수학전공)
  • Published : 2001.01.01


어떤 유향그래프 D의 경쟁그래프란 D와 같은 꼭지점들의 집합을 갖고 두 개의 꼭지점 x와 y가 변으로 연결되어있는 것과 동치인 조건이 D에서 어떤 꼭지점 z에 대하여 유향변(x,z)와 (y,z)가 존재하는 것인 그래프로 정의된다. 어떤 그래프 G의 경쟁수란 G에 첨가하여 생기는 그래프가 유향 회로가 없는 유향그래프의 경쟁그래프가 되도록 하는 고립된 꼭지점의 최소수로 정의된다. 갱쟁그래프의 개념은 생태학적 위상공간의 최소차원을 결정하는 수단으로 1968에 Cohen에 의하여 도입되었다. 경쟁그래프와 그것의 변형들은 잡음이 많은 통신로 상에서의 교신, 라디오 송신기에 주파수 부어하기, 복잡한 경제 체계와 에너지 체계에 응용된다. 이 논문에서는 경쟁 그래프와 그 변형들, 경쟁수와 그 변형들에 대하여 소개하며 그것들에 대한 중요한 결과들을 개관하고 미해결 문제들을 제시하고자 한다.



  1. Algorithmica v.13 Physical Mapping of Chromosomes:A Combinatorial Problem in Molecular Biology F. Alizadeh;R. M. Karp;L. A. Newberg;D. K. Weisser
  2. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA v.45 On the Topology of the Genetic Fine Structure S. Benzer
  3. Sci. Amer. v.206 The Fine Structure of the Gene
  4. Graph Theory with Applications J. A. Bondy;U. S. R. Murty
  5. Discrete Appl. Math v.23 Niche graphs C. Cable;K. F. Jones;J. R. Lundgren;S. Seager
  6. Congr. Numer. v.130 Domination Graphs of Regular Tournaments Ⅱ H. H. Cho;S-R. Kim;J. R. Lundgren
  7. Domination Graphs of Regular Tournaments, submitted
  8. Congr. Numer. v.123 A Sufficient Condition for a Tree Belonging to T(2,2,n) H. H. Cho;S-R. Kim;Y. Nam
  9. Discrete Appl. Math. v.105 The m-Step Competition Graph of a Digraph
  10. On the Connected Triangle-Free Graphs whose 2-Step Competition Numbers Are Two, subbmitted
  11. RAND Corporation Document 17696-PR Interval Graphs and Food Webs:A Finding and a Problem J. E. Cohen
  12. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. v.74 Food Webs and the Dimensionality of Trophic Niche Space
  13. Food Webs and Niche Space
  14. Proc. Nat. Acd. Sci. USA v.81 Trophic Links of Community Food Webs J. E. Cohen;F. Briand
  15. Ph. D. Thesis Higher and Multi-dimensional Analogued of Interval Graphs M. B. Cozzens
  16. Congr. Numer. v.25 T-Colorings of Graphs and the Channel Assignment Problem M. B. Cozzens;F. S. Roberts
  17. Discrete Appl. Math. v.6 A Characterization of Competition Graphs R. D. Dotton;R. C. Brigham
  18. J. Graph Theory v.16 Niche Numbers P. C. Fishburn;W. V. Gehrlein
  19. Congr. Numer. v.108 Domination Graphs of Tournaments and Digraphs D. C. Fisher;J. R. Lundgren;S. K. Merz;K. B. Reid
  20. J. of Graph Theory v.29 The Domination and Competition Graphs of a Tournament
  21. Pacific J. Math. v.15 Incidence Matrices and Interval Graphs D. R. Fulkerson;O. A. Gross
  22. SIAM J. Discrete Math. v.8 Competition Graphs of Strongly Connected and Hamiltonian Digraphs K. F. Fraughnugh;J. R. Lundgren;J. S. Maybee;S. K. Merz;N. J. Pullman
  23. Comput. Math. Appl. v.27 The Smallest Graphs with Niche Number Three W. V. Gehrlein;P. C. Fishburn
  24. J. Math. Anal. Appl. v.64 A Note on Perfect Gaussian Elimination M. C. Golumbic
  25. J. of Algorithm v.19 Graph Sandwich Problems M. C. Golumbic;H. Kaplan;R. Shamir
  26. Computer-Assist Analysis and Model Simplification Graph-theoretic, Foundations fo Computer-Assisted Analysis H. J. Greenberg;J. R. Lundgren;J. S. Maybee;H. J. Greenberg(ed.);J. S. Maybee(ed.)
  27. Discrete Appl. Math. v.8 Inverting Graphs of Rectangular Matrices
  28. Internat. Math. Nachr. v.47 Uber eine Art von Graphen G. Hajos
  29. Proc. IEEE v.68 Frequency Assignment:Theory and Aplication W. K. Hale
  30. Discrete Math. v.128 The Square of a Chordal Graph F. Harary;T. Mckee
  31. J. Animal Ecology v.31 The distribution of Feeding Habits among Animals in a Tropical Rain Forest J. L. Harrison
  32. Discrete Appl. Math. v.32 (i,j) Competition Graph K. Hefner;K. F. Jones;S-R. Kim;J. R. Lundgren;F. S. Roberts
  33. SIAM J. on Discrete Math. v.5 2-Competition Graph G. Isaak;S-R. Kim;T. McKee;F. R. MaMorris;F. S. Roberts
  34. SIAM J. Computing v.25 Pathwidth, Bandwidth and Completion Problems to Proper Interval Graphs with Small Cliques H. Kaplan;R. Shamir
  35. Ph. D. Thesis Competition Graphs and Scientific Laws for Food Webs and Other Systems S-R. Kim
  36. Annals of Discrete Mathematics,Quo Vadis, Graph Theory? v.55 The Competiton Number and Its Variants J. Gimbel(ed.);J. W. Kennedy(ed.);L. V. Quintas(ed.)
  37. ARS Combinatoria v.51 On the Inequality dk(G)≤k(G)+1
  38. Discrete Appl. Math. v.46 p-Competition Numbers S-R. Kim;T. A. McKee;F. R. McMorris;F. S. Roberts
  39. Linear Algeba & Applications v.217 p-Competiton Graphs
  40. Discrete Appl. Math. v.78 Competiton Numbers of Graphs with a Small number of Triangles S-R. Kim;F. S. Roberts
  41. ARS Combinatoria v.50 The Elimination Algorithm for the Competition Number
  42. ARS Combinatoria, to appear Competition Graphs of Semiorders and the Conditions C(p) and C(p)
  43. IMH Volumes in Mathematics and Its Application v.17 Competition Graphs ,Competition-Common Enemy Graphs, and Niche Graphs, Applications of Combinatorics and Graph Theory to the Biological and Social Sciences J. R. Lundgren;F.S. Roberts(ed.);
  44. Proceedings of the First Colorado Symposium on Graph Theory Food Webs with Interval Competition Graphs, in Graphs and Applications J. R. Lundgren;J. S. Maybee
  45. Linear Algebra & Applications v.217 A Characterization of Graphs with Interval Two-step Graphs J. R. Lundgren;J. S. Maybee;S. K. Merz;C. W. Rasmussen
  46. Congr. Numer. v.7 An Application of Generalized Competition Graphs to the Channel Assignment Problem J. R. Lundgren;J. S. Maybee;C. W. Rasmussen
  47. Discrete Math. v.119 Interval Competition Graphs of Symmetric Digraphs
  48. Congr. Numer. v.103 Elimination Ordering Characterizations of Digraphs with Inerval and Chordal Competition Graphs J. R. Lundgren;S. K. Merz
  49. Congr. Numer. v.98 A Characterization of Graphs with Interval squares J. R. Lundgren;S. K. Merz;C. W. Rasmussen
  50. Linear Algebra & Applications v.217 Chromatic Numbers of Competition Graphs
  51. Discrete Math. v.119 Two-step Graphs of Trees J. R. Lundgren;C. W. Rasmussen
  52. SIAM J. Alg. Discr. Meth. v.3 On the Computation of the Competition Number of a Graph R. J. Opsut
  53. The Theory and Applications of Graphs On the Fleet Maintenance, Mobile Radio frequency, Task Assignment and Traffic phasing Problem R. J. Opsut;F. S. Roberts;G. Chartrand(ed.);Y. Alavi(ed.);D. L. Goldmith(ed.);L. Lesniak-Foster(ed.);D. R. Lick(ed.)
  54. SIAM Review v.3 The Use of Linear Graphs in Gauss Elimination S. Parter
  55. Master's Thesis Characterizing Chordal Graphs with Chordal Two-Step Graphs E. B. Phelps
  56. SIAM J. Alg. Discr. Meth. v.4 Determinacy in Linear systems and Networks J. S. Provan
  57. BNL Report 51243 Correlation and Determinacy in Network Medels J. S. Provan;A. Kydes
  58. Methods of Operations Research v.49 Generalized Competition Graphs and their Applications A. Raychaudhuri;F. S. Roberts;P. Brucker(ed.);R. Pauly(ed.)
  59. Discrete Mathematical Models, with Applications to Social. Biological, and Environmental Problems F. S. Roberts
  60. CBMS-NSF Monograph Number 29 Graph Theory and its Applications to Problems of Society
  61. Theory and Applications of Graphs Food Webs, Competition Graphs, and the Boxicity of Ecological Phase Space Y. Alavi(ed.);D. Lick(ed.)
  62. Theory and Its Applications to Problems of Society
  63. Application of Combinatorics and Graph Theory in the Biological and Social Science,IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications v.17 Seven Fundamental Ideas in the Application of Combinatorics and Graph Theory in the Biological and Social Science F. S. Roberts(ed.)
  64. Bolyai Mathematical Studies, J. Bolyai Mathematical Society v.7 Competition Graphs and Phylogeny Graphs,Graph Theory and Combinatorial Biology L. Lovasz(ed.)
  65. Mathematical Hierarchies in Biology Phylogeny Graphs of Arbitrary Digraphs F. S. Roberts;L. Sheng;B. Mirkin(ed.);F. R. McMorris(ed.);A. Rzhetsky(ed.)
  66. Discrete Appl. Math. v.87 Phylogeny Numbers F. S. Roberts;L. Sheng
  67. Discrete Appl. Math. v.103 Phylogeny Numbers for Graphs with Two Triangles
  68. Discrete Appl. Math. v.6 A Characterization of Competition Graphs of Arbitrary Digraphs F. S. Roberts;J. E. Steif
  69. J. Math. Anal. & Appl. v.32 Triangulated Graphs and the Elimination Process D. J. Rose
  70. Discrete Appl. Math. v.17 The Competition-Common Enemy Graph of a Digraph D. Scott
  71. IRE Trans. Inform. Theory v.IT-2 The Zero Capacity of a Noisy Channel C. E. Shannon
  72. Discrete Appl. Math. v.29 The Double Competition Number of Some Triangle-Graphs S. Seager
  73. Henry Rutgers Thesis Frame Dimension, Generalized Competition Graphs, and Forbidden Sublist Characterization J. E. Steif
  74. Ph. D. thesis Competition Graphs, Threshold Graphs and Threshold Boolean Functions C. Wang
  75. ARS Combinatoria v.34 On Critical Graphs for Opsut's Conjecture
  76. SIAM J. Alg. & Discr. Meth. v.3 The Complexity of the Partial Order Dimension Problem M. Yannakakis
  77. CABIOS v.10 An Algorithm Based on Graph Theory for the Assembly of Contigs in Physical Mapping of DNA P. Zhang;E. A. Schon;S. F. Fischer;E. Cayanis;J. Weiss;S. Kistler;P. E. Bourne