Characteristics of the Organizational Structures of Free Meal Service Centers and Cooperation with Community

노인 무료습식소 기관의 운영 현황 조사 및 지역 사회와의 협력 강도

  • 박정숙 (천안외국어대학 외식산업과) ;
  • 한경희 (서운대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 최미숙 (충청대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 정순돌 (서울신학대학교 사회복지학과) ;
  • 채인숙 (동해대학교 관광외식산업학과)
  • Published : 2001.08.01


The purpose of this research was to observe the management system of 18 free meal service centers for the low-income homebound elderly in Chungcheongbuk-Do In order researchers interviewed staff members of the free meal service centers. Based on the results of interviews with staff members of the meal service organization. only two centers used a standard recipe. and most of the meal preparation was controlled under the experience of volunteers. Only two meal service centers employed dietitians due to the lak of budgets. The cost of a meal per day ranged from ₩ 556 to ₩2,750 and the number of attendants at meal service ranged from 35 to 350 persons. The budget for most of the meal service centers is not enough to provide meals for the elderly who want to participated in free meal service programs. Home delivery meal service was not considered due to the lake of manpower and areal dispersion in rural ares. Most meal service organizations did not cooperate with other community service organizations. Several improvement strategies are recommended for the effective running of the free meal service centers. First, a nutrition specialist should be included in the staff members of the service organization to provide nutritious meal service to the elderly Second, a joint control system might be introduced into the present system to reduced the cost and the recover the limitations of areal dispersion. Third, service, coordination should be considered to overcome the problem of lake resources.
