- 한국문헌목록정보 = Korean MARC on DISC(가을판) 국립중앙도서관
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- 한국문헌정보학회지 v.제27집 典據레코드의 작성에 관한 硏究: 특히 GARE의 韓國的 適用과 관련하여 오동근
- 한국도서관·정보학회지 v.31 no.4 한국형 전거데이터베이스 시스템 개발에 관한 연구 오동근
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- 中國編目規則(수정판) 中國圖書館學會分類編目委員會
- 韓國姓氏大觀 崔德敎;李勝羽(編著)
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韓國目錄規則, 3판: 記述
$\cdot $ 標目올림指示編 한국도서관협회(편) - Anglo-American Cataloging Rules(2nd ed.) American Library Association
- Anglo-American Cataloging Rules(2nd ed.)(Revised.) American Library Association
- The Origins, Content, and Future of AACR2 Revised. After AACR2R: the Future of the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules Gorman, Michael;Richard P. Smiraglia(ed.)
- Library Resources & Technical Services v.41 A Comparison of Pre and Post-Cataloging Authority Control Greever, Karen E.
- Cataloging & Classification Quarterly v.21 IFLA and International Standard in the Area of Bibliographic Control Holley, Robert P.
- Guidelines for Authority and Reference Entries IFLA
- UNIMARC/Authorities : Universal format for authorities IFLA
- Statement of Principles: Adopted at the International Conference on Cataloging Principles;Annoted edition with commentary and examples by Eva Verona IFLA
- Names of Persons: National Usages for Entry in Catalogues(3rd ed.) IFLA
- Cataloging Internet Resources: a Manual and Practical Guide(2nd ed.) Olson, Nancy B.
- The Origins, Content, and Future of AACR2 Revised Changes to Part II, Headings, Uniform Titles and References Ruschoff, Carlen;Rechard P. Smiraglia(ed.)
- The Origins, Content, and Future of AACR2 Revised ed. Smiraglia, Reichard P.
- Authority Control in the Online Environment: Considerations and Practices Considerations for Authority Control in the Online Environment Tillett, Barbara B.;Barbara B. Tillett(ed.)
- The Origins, Content, and Future of AACR2 Revised Interpretation of 1988 Revison Tucker, Ben R.;Rechard P. Smiraglia(ed.)
- Illinois Libraries v.72 no.6 The Future of Cataloging Standards Wajenberg, Arnold S.