3차원 영상처리기술의 섬유.의류 산업에의 응용

  • Published : 2001.06.01




  1. Int. J. on Comp. Geom. and Appl. v.9 no.4;5 F.Bernardini;C.Bajaj;J.Chen;D.Schikore
  2. Proc. of the Int'l Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence J.O'Rourke
  3. Computer Aided Design v.20 no.5 B.K.Choi;H.Y.Shin;Y.I.Yoon;J.W.Lee
  4. Ph.D. Thesis, Center for Mathematics and Computer Science R.C.Veltkamap
  5. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory v.IT-29 H.Edelsbrunner;D.G.Kirkpatrick;R.Seidel
  6. Computer Graphics v.20 no.4 F.Shimitt;B.A.Barsky;W.Du
  7. Proc. of the 24th Annual Hawaii Int'l Conf. on System Science v.1 D.Moore;J.Warren
  8. Computer Graphics Proc. of SIGGRAPH 96 M.Eck;T.DcRosc;T.Duchamp
  9. Artificial Intelligence v.36 D.Terzopoulos;A.Witkin;M.Kass
  10. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence v.13 no.7 A.Pentland;S.E.Scharoff
  11. J. Text. Inst. v.91 no.2 W.R.Yu;T.J.Kang;K.S.Jung
  12. Text. Res. J. v.66 no.1 B.Chen;M.Govindaraj
  13. 최근 섬유계측시스템의 활용동향 이대훈;박창규;김의화
  14. 봉제공정의 품질관리 이대훈(외)
  15. Text. Res. J. v.67 no.7 C.K.park;T.J.Kang
  16. Int'l J. Clo. Sci. Tech. v.7 no.2;3 Z.Stjepanovic
  17. Computing & Control Eng. J. no.June M.J.Morse
  18. Int'l J. Clo. Sci. Tech. v.6 no.4 J.P.Turner
  19. IEEE Spectrum no.Feb. S.Gray
  20. Int'l J. Clo. Sci. Tech. v.10 no.2 C.H.M.Hardaker;G.J.W.Fozzard
  21. J. of Materials Processing Technology v.107 J.McCartney;K.K.Hinds;B.L.Seow;D.Gong
  22. LECTRA 홈페이지
  23. Human Solutions 홈페이지
  24. 남영 홈페이지