- 공공도서관 장서를 통해본 한국사회 지식의 흐름 김영기
- 도서관소식 no.3 사서직과 언어 김정근
- 한국문헌정보학회지 v.27 우리나라 공공도서관 발전의 현단계에 관한 연구: 부산, 경남지역 공공도서관 사서의 일상적 의식세계에 대한 분석 김정근;장덕현
- 한울문헌정보학강좌 한국의 대학도서관 무엇이 문제인가 김정근
- 학술연구에서 문화기술법이란 무엇인가 김정근
- 한국도서관.정보학회지 v.30 문헌정보학에 있어서 일상생활 연구의 방법론적 함의: 최근 연구동향을 중심으로 김정근;장덕현
- 한국학교도서관운동사 김종성
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- 성찰적 근대성과 페미니즘 조(한)혜정
- American Academic Culture in Transformation: Fifty Years Four Disciplines Politics,Intellect, and the American University.1945-1995 Bender,Thomas;Thomas Bender(ed.);Carl Schorske(ed.)
- Distinction: A Social Critiwue of the Judgment of Taste Bourdieu,Pierre
- Information Processing and Management v.32 Discourse Analysis: Method and Application in the Study of Information Budd,John,M.;Douglas,Raber
- An Introdution to Library Science Butler,Pierce
- Landmarks of Literature,1876-1976 Librarianship as a Profession Bulter,Pierce;Dianne,J.Ellsworth(ed.);Norman,D.Stevens(ed.)
- Michel Foucault: Beyond Structualism and Hermeneutics Dreyfus,Hubert,L.;Paul Rainbow
- Critical Discourse Analysis Fairclough,Norman
- Power/Knowlede: Selected Writings and other Interviews 1972-1977 Foucault,Michel;Colin,Gordon(ed.)
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- Library and Information Scicence Research v.16 Discourse Analysis as a Research Method in Library and Information Science Forhmann,Bernd
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- Colloquium,Graduate School of Library & Information Science Why Cutural Studies Matter to Information Studies Forhmann,Bernd
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- The Indexer v.10 The Incredible Stream of Garbage: The Library Journals, 1876-1975 Jones,Graham
- The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Kuhn,Thomas S.
- Rethinking the Library in the Information Age Education and Training of Librarians Lynch,Beverly P.
- Discourse Analysis Palmquist,Ruth A.
- Foundations of Library and Information Science Rubin,Richard E.
- The Study of Information:Disciplinary Messages Library and Information Sciences Disciplinary Differentiation, Cpmpetition,Convergence Rayward,W.Boyd;Fritz Machlup(ed.);Una Mansfield(ed.)
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- The Library Quarterly v.69 Tunnel Vision and Blind Spots: What the Past Tells US about the Present: Reflections on the Twentieth-Century History of American Librarianship Wiegand,Wayne A.