물관리자동화시스템을 위한 개방형 운영 프로그램 개발

Development of Open Water Management Program(OWMP) for Water Management Automation System with Open Architecture

  • 발행 : 2001.09.01


As a result of the recent water resources crisis, development of water management automation system becomes important. This system should be developed with open architecture in order to flexibly meet the spacial and time change of irrigation water demand. Thereby, water management automation system requires open architecture and suitable software program. This study presents an application of object-oriented methodology for Open Water Management Program(OWMP). Accordingly, OWMP provides a high degree of reliability which allows modification of parameters by change of region or time to be possible. OWMP consists of Data Base Management System(DBMS) and Model System. DBMS makes it possible to analyze data related with planning water schedule and establishing database. Model System calculates reservoir inflow, reservoir effluent and basin water demand. An operator decides the reservoir operation with results of Model System and DBMS. OWMP could be adapted to the planning and decision for saving water.



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