송전선로 보호용 디지털 지능형 거리계전기

Digital Adaptive Distance Relay for Transmission Line Protection

  • 발행 : 2001.09.01


Distance relay is the most widely used in transmission line protection because it is applicable not only as main protection but also as back-up protection. However, the protection range of the distance relay is always fixed in the unchangeable operating range while the power system varies, and therefore the distance relay is the device that is the highly influenced by the power system changes. In this regard, this paper describes an approach to minimize the mal-operation of the distance relay due to the power system changes through changing protection range of the distance relay into optimal condition in response to the load variation and power system condition. Also mal-function of the distance repay in case of high resistance ground faults could be minimized through modeling the protection range into quadratic function.



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