- 中華大藏經 中華書局(編)
- 高麗大藏經 東國大學校
- 佛書解說大辭典 小野玄妙
- 中華大藏經 中華大藏經 內容簡介 中華書局(編)
- 高麗大藏經 高麗大藏經, 그 歷史와 意義 李箕永
- 湖林博物館所藏 初雕大藏經 調査硏究 湖林博物館(編)
- 한글대장경 高麗國新雕大藏校正別錄 東國譯經院
- 書誌學硏究 no.創刊號 高麗國新雕校正別錄 硏究 吳龍燮
This study researches to prove the character of the bottom book of the 'Tripitaka Koreana'and its carved book. From the research, it is Proved that the First Tripitaka 51books and the new Tripitaka that is the second Tripitaka collected in the Holim museum are the overtum cared books or the contracted overtum cared books of 'Tripitaka keybo'. And finds out some outline on the bottom and compared book used when published the new Tripitaka by comparing it by Sugi Buddhist priest: he published the new book using the Songbon(宋本) at first as the bottom book and compared it with the Kookbon(國本) and Danbon(丹本) and contracted it based on them. This corrected Songbon was used once more as the bottom book of the new Tripitaka. And It is grasped that some Tripitaka containing some serious mistakes and missed in Songbon was corrected based on the Kookbon and Danbon and caved it or made a new carved book to insert or substitute it to the new Tripitaka. study researches So this study concludes that such differences showing in these two books are on the bases of the gaps in time and space between them.