- 溪西遺稿 v.권4 家史別錄, 附家傳疑事 白鎭恒
- 溪西遺稿 v.권4 家史別錄, 判事公先祖(諱民俊)遺事 白鎭恒
- 溪西遺稿 v.권4 家史別錄, 通德郞公先祖(諱 진)遺事 白鎭恒
- 溪西遺稿 v.권4 家史別錄, 不憂堂先祖(諱 漢經)遺事 白鎭恒
- 水原白氏大同譜 水原白氏大同譜編簒委員會(編)
- 溪西遺稿 v.권5 家狀 白鎭恒
- 溪西遺稿 v.권4 家史別錄, 高王考暘軒府君(諱文昌)遺事 白鎭恒
- 溪西遺稿 v.권5 家狀 白鎭恒
The main purpose of this research is two kinds. First, explain the connection residing process of the Baik Dal-Soon(白達淳)'s house which is located at the Kumgok of Yongsanmyon Sanggumri, Jhanghung County, Chonnam Province in Korea. Second, analyse the collected process of old books which have been transmitted to a he's family. The result is as follows. First, the Kumgok has been connection resided Kawngju Lee family(廣州 李氏), Yongkwang Kim family(靈光 金氏), Suwon Baik family(水原 白氏) order by marriage connection. Second the most of old books transmitted to a he's family have been colleoted by Baik Jin-Hang (白鎭恒, 1760∼ 1818).
본 연구는 全羅南道 長興郡 龍山面 上金里(金谷) 위치한 白達淳 가옥의 연계세거 과정과 본가에 전존되고 있는 전적의 집서과정을 밝혀보고자 하였다. 연구결과 金谷은 혼인관계로 인하여 廣州 李氏