남자대학생의 점포이미지 선호가 의류제품 충동구매에 미치는 영향 연구

The Impact of Store Image Preferences on Clothing Impulse Purchasing of Male College Students

  • 발행 : 2001.05.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of store image preferences on clothing impulse purchasing of male college students. The sample included 290 male college students, and an instrument was developed based on the previous studies. The statistical analyses used for this study were factor analysis and multiple regression. The result of factor analysis showed that store image preferences consisted of five factors : promotion, display, service, product, brand preferences. Clothing impulse purchasing consisted of product-driven impulse purchasing, situation-driven impulse purchasing, emotion-driven impulse purchasing. Multiple regression revealed that there were significant effects of store image preferences on dimensions of clothing impulse purchasing. For example, promotion preference factor had a positive impact on product-driven impulse purchasing and situation-driven impulse purchasing, but had a negative impact on emotion-driven impulse purchasing. The relative importance of store image preference factors were different according to different dimensions of clothing impulse purchasing.
