한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지 (Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information)
- 제6권1호
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- Pages.119-129
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- 2001
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- 1598-849X(pISSN)
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- 2383-9945(eISSN)
시군 통합으로 인한 지방공무원의 처우개선 인식도 조사
A Study on Local Government Official's Recognition of Treatment Change Influenced by City-County Consolidation
본 연구는 시군 통합시의 공무원의 처우개선에 대한 통합전후의 의견을 통하여 인식도 조사를 하였다. 이를 위한 지표로 근무평가공정성. 근무지배속 보수 및 수당, 승진, 신분보장, 업무의욕, 역할갈등, 응집도, 의사결정참여 등을 이용하였다. 조사결과, 조사지역인 통합여수시 가 아직 통합한지 2년 밖에 되지 않아 커다란 효과는 기대할 수 없었으나 약간은 개선되는 움임도 나타나고 있었다. 향후 계속적인 처우개선 노력이 필요하다고 본다.
The purpose of this study is to make an experiment survey of what local public official in the city of Yeosu, where recently achieved city-county consolidation about the improvement of treatment, as the organization was being rearranging effectively by reducing its size and personnels to follow the trend of the times toward globalization and open-door policy. The evaluation criteria used in this study is the opinion of consolidation, the degree to which merit rating was done impartially, the assignment of working place, pay, allowance, social position guarantee, promotion, the will to work. role conflict, the level of cohesion, and the extent of involvement in decision-making According to the survey, there appeared some positive effect even in such a short period that administrative expense decreased owing to the downsizing. Concerning the treatment, however, many officials considered it get worse in general, Especially. the treatment of promotion, social position guarantee, pay and allowance was found to be below the average.