줄 앙리 푸앵카레

  • 김성숙 (배재대학교 전산 정보 수학과) ;
  • 김주영 (대구 카톨릭대학교 수학과)
  • Published : 2001.12.01


Jules Henri Poincare was great not only as a mathematician brit also as a philosopher of science. He received many honors for his outstanding research. He was elected to the Academie des Sciences in 1887 and was elected President of tile Academy in 1906. In 1908 he was elected to the Academie Francaise and was elected director in the year of his death. The Poincare Conjecture was selected Millennium Prize Problems fly The Clay Mathematics Institute of Cambridge, Massachusetts(CMI). The Board of Directors of CMI have designated a $1 million prize fund for the solution to his problem. In this paper, Poincare's major works, his life, his philosophy and the Poincare Conjecture are given.



  1. 최후의 명상 김형보(편역)
  2. Scalar curvature and geometrization conjectures for 3-manifolds Anderson, M.T.
  3. Men of Mathematics Bell, E.T.
  4. Insights of genius; Imagery and creativity in science and art Miller, A.I.
  5. Collected Papers v.2 The fundamental Group Milnor, J.
  6. Oeuvres Poincar$\'{e}$, H.
  7. The Value of Science Poincar$\'{e}$, H.
  8. Science and Hypothesis Poincar$\'{e}$, H.
  9. H. Poincar$\'{e}$ Toulouse, E.
  10. Mathematical Works v.Ⅱ Whitehead, J.H.C.
  11. Topology of 3-Manifolds a Related Topics The Poincar$\'{e}$ conjecture for n=5 Zeeman, E.C.
  13. Jules Henri Poincar$\'{e}$
  14. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Jules Henri Poincar?(1584-1912)