무한소의 역사를 통해 본 수학에서의 합리성

  • Published : 2001.12.01


Rationality in mathematics is discussed by analyzing historical facts concerning infinitesimality. Several views containing Platonism, formalism and falsificationism are suggested to analyze rationality.



  1. 중학교 교육과정해설 (Ⅲ) 교육부
  2. 서양의 지적 전통 브루노프스키;매즐리슈
  3. 서양의 지혜 러셀
  4. 현대과학철학의 문제들 대우학술총서 442 조인래;박은진;김유신;이봉제;신중섭;아르케
  5. A History of Mathematics(2nd ed.) Boyer, Carl B.;Uta C. Merzbach
  6. The History of Mathematics(2nd ed.) Burton, David M.
  7. An Introduction to the History of Mathematics Eves, Howard
  8. Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times Kline, Morris
  9. Proofs and Refutations Lakatos, Imre;J Worral(ed.);E. Zahar(ed.)
  10. The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes Lakatos, Imre