수학적 추상의 본질에 관한 소고

  • 이건창 (동신대학교 컴퓨터디지털영상학부)
  • Published : 2001.12.01


This paper aims to show an inner, basic harmony between metaphysics and current directions in mathematics and in the philosophy of mathematics. In this attempt, the general truths of metaphysics and the truths particularly relevant to the nature of mathematical abstraction serve as speculative guides in ordering the content and discussing the nature of the multiple questions lie between and disputed frontiers of metaphysics and mathematics.



  1. Philosophy of Mathematics Barker, S.F.
  2. Mathematical Thought: An introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics Beth, E.W.
  3. Outlines of a Formalist Philosophy of Mathematics Curry, H.B.
  4. Mathematical Philosophy : A Study of Fate and Freedom Keyser, C.J.
  5. The Philosophy of Mathematics Korner, S.
  6. The Philosophy of Mathematics Maziarz, E.A.
  7. Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy Russell, Bertrand
  8. Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy Russel, Bertrand
  9. The Philosophy of Mathematics : An Introduction Stephan, K.
  10. Plato's Philosophy of Mathematics Wedberg, Anders