수학적 대상으로서 ‘애매모호’ 에 대한 고찰

  • Published : 2001.12.01


The problem of vagueness has been investigated for a long time by philosophers and mathematicians. There are there approaches in mathematics to the problem, which are probability theory, fuzzy logic, and rough set theory. In this paper I introduce these theories and their meanings.



  1. 해석학은 무엇인가(한국해석학회 엮음) 해석학적 방법론과 사회역사 연구 박순영
  2. 알기쉬운 퍼지이론 向般政男;전자신문 출판국(옮김)
  3. Logical Foundations of Probability Carnap, R.
  4. The Structure of Scientific Thought Statistical and Inductive Probability Carnap, R.;E. Madden(ed.)
  5. A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities Lapace, P.;Truscott(English trans.);Emory(English trans.)
  6. Probability Statistics and Truth Mises, R.
  7. International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences v.11 Rough Set Pawlak, Z.
  8. Rough Sets - Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Data Pawlak, Z.
  9. The Rise of Scientific Philosophy Reihenbach, H.
  10. Synthese v.30 Fuzzy Logic and Approximated Reasoning Zadeh, L.
  11. Fuzzy Set Theory and Its Applications(second edition) Zimmermann, H.