- 한국육수학회지 v.32 소양호 동·식물플랑크톤의 계절 변동 김범철;김재욱;전만식;황순진
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- 한국육수학회지 v.26 no.4 창녕군 자연늪의 담수조류상 김한순;정준
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- Proc. Coll. Natur. Sci. SNU. v.12 no.1 함안 자연늪산 규조류의 분류 정영호;노경희
- 한국의 충적평야 조화룡
- 한국의 희귀 및 위기 동식물도감 한국자연보존협회
- 주남저수지 생태계 조사 환경청
- Kor. J. Limnol. v.31 Physico-chemical charateristics of the Woopo Wetland, S. Korea Cho, S. H.;K. Ha;Y. H. Ju;H. W. Kim;G. J. Joo
- Holarc. Ecol. v.9 Phytoplankton structure in different lake types in central Finland Eloranta, P.
- Agal culture and phytoplankton ecology. 3rd ed. Fogg, G. E.;B. Thake
- Microscopy v.32 The permangnate method for cleaning freshly gathered diatoms Hendey, N. I.
- A Treaties on Limnology v.2 Hutchinson, G. E.
- Arch. Hydrobiol. v.14 The measurement of photosynthetic pigments in freshwaters and standardization of methods: conclusions and recommendation Marker, A. F. H;E. A. Nusch;H. Rai;B. Reimann
- Freshwater Biol. v.14 Phytoplankton periodicity: the interactions of form, function and environmental variability Reynolds, C. S.
- Biol. Rev. v.50 Water blooms Reynolds, C. S.
- The mathematical theory of communication Shannon, E.;W. Weaver
- Arch. Hydrobiol. Beih. 7. Erhrg. limnol. v.7 System of water quality from the biological point of view Shimpson, E. H.
- Mitt. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. v.9 Zur Vervollkommnung der quantitativen Phytoplankton-Methodik Utermohl, H.