Purpose This study was designed co determine the possibility of HLA typing in the objeccification of constitution. Methods We selected 100 patients who showed Taeyang characteristics, and divided them into Soum-inclined group and Soyang-inclined group. HLA-A, B, DRBI typing was perfomed by ARMS-PCR and PCR-SSOP method. Results Taeyang characteristic group as a whole showed significant difference in A1, A11, B37, B70/71, DRBI*15,DRB1*14 alleles in comparison with normal control group. Soum-inclined group showed significant difference in All, B70/71, Soyang-inclined group in DRBl*15, hard drinker group in DRBl*15, DRBl*13, drink-rejecting group in All, B37, DRBl*7, DRB1*14 in comparison with normal control group. Conclusion : There were significant relations between constitutional information and HLA types.