Studies on Therapeutic range, Symptom, Pathology, and composition of Polygala tenuifolia-main blended Prescriptions from Donguibogam

동의보감(東醫寶鑑)에 수록된 원지(遠志)가 주약(主藥)으로 배오(配伍)된 처방(處方)의 방제학적(方劑學的) 고찰(考察)

  • Published : 2002.06.20


There are total 33 prescriptions containing Polygala tenuifolia as a principal medicine in Donguibogam. This report describes the studies on therapeutic range, symptom, pathology and composition of 33 Polygala tenuifolia-main blended Prescriptions from Donguibogam. The percentage of Polygala tenuifolia-main blended prescriptions for the therapeutic range are as follows: psychopathy is the most frequent(54.4%) and eczema, purulent inflammation is second(21%) and feebleness is third(15%). The main pathologies of Polygala tenuifolia-main blended prescriptions are associated with heart, kidney and stomach. The main combinations of Polygala tenuifolia-main blended prescriptions in psychopathy are Jeongji-hwan and Chongmyung-tang.



  1. 한약임상응용 이상인(외)
  2. 만병회춘 공廷賢
  3. 의학입문 v.4;5;6 李천
  4. 古今醫鑑 공信
  5. 得效方 危亦林
  6. 醫學正傳 虞搏
  7. 본초유신 신민교
  8. 임상배학본초학 강병수(외)
  9. 한약의 배합과 응용 양기상
  10. 중약대사전 v.7 안덕균(외)
  11. 중약약리와 임상 苗明三(외)
  12. 同意方劑와 處方解設 윤용갑
  13. 普濟本事方 許叔微
  14. 東醫寶鑑 허준