에이즈 보건교육이 초등학생의 에이즈에 관한 지식과 태도에 미치는 효과

The Influence of AIDS Health Education upon Elementary School Students' Knowledge and Attitudes toward AIDS

  • Bae, Seon-Mi (The Graduate School, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Cho, Kyoul-Ja (College of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


This study examined changes of elementary school students' knowledge and attitudes toward AIDS after AIDS health educational programs were conducted. The experiment was executed from November the 28th, 2001 to February the 6th, 2002. Study examinees were 156 fifth year students of 2 elementary schools located at S City. A preliminary inspection was implemented. The post-examination was conducted by a questionnaire survey 2 weeks and 9 weeks after the program was finished. The measurement instrument was the questionnaire developed by Yun, Hyun Sik(1997) and modified by this researcher. Collected data were analyzed with SPSS program package, $x^2$-test and t-test, Repeated Measure ANOVA. Findings of study are as follows; 1. Hypothesis 1 ; the hypothesis 1 is "The points of AIDS knowledge are different at each moment, before conducting the educational program, 2 weeks after conducting the educational program, and 9 weeks after conducting the educational program". After the above hypothesis was examined, interactive actions were shown among different periods in both groups (F=267.241, p=.000), so that this hypothesis 1 was approved. 2. Hypothesis 2 ; the hypothesis 2 is "The points of attitudes toward AIDS are different at each moment, before conducting the educational program, 2 weeks after conducting the educational program, and 9 weeks after conducting the educational program". It was closely examined, and the findings are that significant differences between two groups were found, whereas any interactions were not shown between two groups(F=3.753, p=.055), after controlling the attitude scores that showed differences before the education by covariable, and examining the results. so that this hypothesis 2 was rejected. The above study tells that the AIDS health education for elementary school students made their knowledge and attitudes change significantly, but the education was not effective for changing students' attitudes. Elementary school students need more systematic and continual AIDS health education.



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