The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
- Volume 14 Issue 3
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- Pages.1-23
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- 2002
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- 1229-0475(pISSN)
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- 2287-156X(eISSN)
Analysis of Blood Components in Skin Color Reaction after Cupping Glass Therapy
부항시술 후 나타난 색소반응에 따른 혈액성분 분석
- Kweon Oh-Hyun (Division of Health Science, Daegu University) ;
- Bae Sung-Soo (Department of Physical Therapy, College of Rehabilitation Science, Daegu University)
- Published : 2002.09.01
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between pigmental reaction and blood components, such as white blood cell (WBC), lymphocyte, monocyte, red blood cell (RBC), hemoglobin, mean corpuscular index (mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)), hematocrit, platelet and neutrophil segment, after Cupping Glass Therapy (CGT). Subjects: Twenty-five healthy adults participated in this study; Methods: Subjects had undergone CGT for 5 days and were divided into two groups (dark color (DCG) and light color (LCG)) depending the level of pigmental reaction. Blood was collected from each subject at the beginning of this study and recollected after 5 day s'CGT. Results: The percentage of lymphocytes was higher in LCG than in DCG after CGT (p<.01) and was significantly increased in LCD after CGT (p<.01), The number of RBC was more in DCG than in LCG both before (p<.01) and after CGT (p<.05). The amount of hemoglobin was more in DCG than in LCG both before (p<.01) and after CGT (p<.01) and was significantly increased in LCD after CGT (p<.01). Mean corpuscular index showed that both MCH (p<.05) and MCHC (p<.01) were higher in DCG than in LCG after CGT, but only MCHC before CGT (p<.01). It also showed either decreased MCV (p<.01) or increased MCHC in LCD after CGT (p<.01). Hematocrite was higher in DCG than in LCG both before (p<.01) and after CGT (p<.01). The percentage of neutrophil segments was higher in BCG than In LCG after CGT (p<.01) and was significantly decreased in LCD after CGT (p<.05). However, neither the number of WBC and platelets nor the percentage of monocytes was significantly different between DCG and LCG either before or after CGT. Conclusion: Pigmental reaction was significantly related to the changes of blood conponents after CGT. The results of this study suggest that CGT may have an effect on the components of blood cells.