영역 컴포넌트 명세방법 개발

Development of a Domain Component Specification Method

  • 발행 : 2002.11.30


As an optimun alternatives for the solution of recent software crisis, we have to develop component technologies so as to develop and propagate business components for various domains to industries. For the sake of development of business components, a conceptual architecture which defines a model for component assembly should be prescribed first, and a systematic specification method based on this model be defined, so we can build a system environments for making specifications and development of each component by the consistent scheme. In this study, we propose a domain architecture model for implementing the pUblic component bank as a project supported by the ministry of information and communication, discuss the conceptual model of specification for developing components of storing component bank, specification steps, specification approach for application of business domains and the development results of them.



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  2. OAG, Open Applications Group Integration Specification, Release 6.1, Dec. 1998
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