A Study on the Expression of visual Image in Fashion Illustration since 19aos(PartII)

1980년대 이후 패션일러스트레이션의 시각적이미지 표현방법 분석(제2보)

  • Published : 2002.02.01


The purpose of this study is to clarify the expression of conceptual image by which the modern graphic artists use for creating new visual images and the characteristics in expression of the major fashion images in fashion illustration. In the present study, major findings on the basis of the analysis of expression of visual images in fashion illustration since 1980s are as follow: The conceptual image expression in the visual arts is based on the eight techniques. They are dual image, operation of image, copying·reproduction of image, deconstruction of image, pictorial image, symbolization of image, mystification of image, and making humorous image. Since 1980s, the major fashion images in fashion illustration are mainly classified as classic image, humor image, fantastic image, natural image, avant-garde image, simple image, casual image and feminine image. The characteristics in expression of these images in fashion illustration are; 1) fortification of dual image in classic image, 2) activation in humor image 3) grotesque fantastic image, 4) the modernization of natural image, etc. In addition that, the image of avant-garde is expressed by Postermodernism, Deconstructionism, Techno etc. since 1980s. Also, simple image of the modern composition, casual image of daily life, and feminine image which is emphasized with eroticism are also included in these characteristic in expression of images since 1980s.



  1. Visual Preception R.Arnheim;김춘일(옮김)
  2. 그래픽 디자인의 역사 필립B.멕스
  3. 원색세계대백과사전 23 송영봉
  4. 석사학위논문, 홍익대학교 대학원 Illustration에 있어서 Paradox한 표현의 시대별 특성 연구 정홍택
  5. 디자인학 연구 v.12 no.1 실내공간의 이미지 표현특성에 관한 연구 홍승대
  6. 시각 이미지의 참과 거짓 Mark Roskill;David Carrier;이계숙(옮김)
  7. 기호학이란 무엇인가 김경용
  8. 이미지-Ways of Seeing John Berger
  9. 이미지-Ways of Seeing John Berger
  10. 한국의류학회지 v.22 no.8 한국전통문양의 이미지 형상화 소고 장수경
  11. 디자인학 연구 v.12 no.1 실내공간의 이미지 표현특성에 관한 연구 홍승대
  12. 시각 이미지의 참과 거짓 Mark Roskill;David Carrier
  13. 그래픽 위트 Stven Heller;Gail Anderson;박영원(옮김)
  14. 홍익대학교 산미대학원석사학위논문 시각디자인에 있어서의 Visual Scandal 표현효과에 관한 연구 명광주
  15. 매스미디어와 미술 존A.워커;장선영(옮김)
  16. 이미지-Ways of Seeing John Berger
  17. 그래픽 위트 Stven Heller;Gail Anderson;박영원(옮김)