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- 圖書館學論集 v.17輯 문헌정보학교육을 위한의 실습실 최소 모형의 개발 이승채
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- 圖書館學 v.6집 정보학 교육의 개혁 방안 연구 최성진
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- 교육자료 최지운
- 도서관(문헌정보)학과 평가 종합보고서 한국대학교육협의회(편)
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- Standards for School Media Programs ALA & NEA
- Educational Technology : a Glossary Terms Association for Educational Communications and Technology
- A Taxomony of Communication Media Bretz, Rudy
- Administering Educational Media Brown, James W.(et al.)
- Professional Development and Educational Technology Bush, Phyllis
- Journal of Education for Librarianship v.10 no.Fall Cooperative Education for Librarianship, Theory into Practice Cottam, Keith M.
- The School Library Media Center : a Force for Education Excellence, (2nd ed) Davies, Ruth Ann
- Instructional Media Center Davis, Harold S.
- The School Library Media Program : Instructional Force Excellence Davies, Ruth Ann
- Audio Visual Instruction De Kieffer, Robert E.
- Administering Instruction Media Programs Erickson, Carlton W. H.
- Educational Facilities with New Media Green, Alan C.(et al.)
- Teaching and Media : a Systematic Approach Gerlach,V.S;Ely,D.P
- Administering The School Library Media Center Gillespir, John T;Spirt, Daina L
- IFLA Journal v.2 no.4 Standards for Library Schools 1976 IFLA
- 도서관 v.37 no.4 도서관학과를 위한 기준 이병목(역)
- New Media in Education Stephens College Learning Center Leyden, Ralph C.
- Planning for Library Services Liesener, James W.
- Criteria for Planing the College and University Learning Resources Center Merrill, Irving R.;Drob, Harold A.
- Library Trends v.34 no.3 An Overview of the History of Library Science Teaching Materials Metzger, Philip A.
- Steps to Service Nickel, Mildred L.
- IFLA Publication 20 Education Programs in Developing Countries with Special Reference to Asia Sanders,W.L.
- Reports and Bibliographies v.9 no.1 Guidelines for Curriculum Development in Information Student Sanders,W.L.
- Audio Visual Instruction Is a Big Media Center a Big Problems? Schmid, William T.
- Media Center Management Schmid, William T.
- New Methods and Techniques in Education The Newer Education Media in the United States Schramm, Wilbur
- 視學敎育50講 v.西南三十二 編
- Annual Review of Information Science and Technology v.1 Professional Aspects of Informaion Science and Technology Taylor,R.S.
- The Library Media Speialist in Curriculum Development Thomason, Nevada W.
- The Williamson Reports : a Study Vann, Sarah K.
- 상명여대 논문집 v.22輯 미국 도서관학 교육의 발전과 현황 장혜란
- Introduction to Library Services for Library Media Technical Assistants Wisdom, Alne C.