니트웨어 품질 개선을 위한 니트웨어 착용 경험자의 만족.불만족 연구 -질적 연구를 통하여-

A Study on the Wearer s Perception for the Improvement of Knit Wear Quality -A Qualitative Approach-

  • 류경옥 (한양대학교 대학원 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


In spite of the bad conditions of fashion companies: the number of licit wear consumers in Korea are increasing because knit wear gives a body with an comfort action. Domestic knit wear industry, however, doesn't have any standard fur satisfying consumers'needs and for quality estimation on that. So we examined the knit wearers'conception of the quality to broaden the knowledge of knit wear and produce better products. The purpose of this study was to find out the factors of wearer's perception. This study carried out through a qualitative approach. The subject of this study were 17 single women who were 20's and living in Seoul and Kyoungki province. The item of this questionary was as follow: 1) what they know about knit wear and how much they are satisfied with that 2) what the wearers think the problems of knit wear are 3) how knitted wear industry can satisfy consumers's needs and take into account consumer feedback in product development The results of this study were summarized as follows. 1. The wearers had no knowledge about materials, sewing methods, patterns, knitting methods, and gage. 2 The wearers didn't recognize the differences between the products by famous brand and obscure conventional market. For that reason, the high price knit wear wont satisfy wearer. 3. The wearers didn't prefer the revealing their body shapes. 4. Laundering was the big problem which was they chosen the knit wear. They take it for granted that the knit wear needs dry-cleaning or hand-washing. Knit wear industry tries to make it easy laundering by development knit material.
