Preliminary Design for Preparing a Natural Learning and Experimental Area in Bukchun and Boundary(I) - Analysis of Riverbed, Atmospheric and Ecological Environment-

북천지역 자연학습 체험단지 초성을 위한 기본 계획(I) -하상분석, 대기질 및 생태분석-

  • 정종현 (서라벌대학 환경관리과) ;
  • 최석규 (서라벌대학 환경관리과) ;
  • 조세환 (경주대학교 환경조경학과)
  • Published : 2002.06.01


This study focuses on the structure of geographical conditions, the riverbed, the meterological and atmospheric examination, the ecological environment, the food chain and the ecosystem, in order to establish a basic plan for preparing a natural learning area of environmental ecosystem in Bukchun and its surroundings, Gyeongju. The results could be summarized as follows. Bukchun is a first grade which extends 6km along the road from Bomun bridge to the junction of Hyungsangang. The basin area is 7.10$\textrm{km}^2$ and the slope is 1/200~1/300. Gyeongju has good atmospheric conditions, i.e. SO$_2$0.011 ~0.017ppm, CO 0.8~ 1.5ppm, NO$_2$0.013~0.019ppm, $O_3$0.013~0.020ppm, TSP 85~142$\mu\textrm{g}$/㎥, PM-10 47~90$\mu\textrm{g}$/㎥ and Pb 0.057 ~0.129$\mu\textrm{g}$/㎥, which is below the annual and daily averages, and is little lower than those of Pohang and Ulsan. The ecosystem of Bukchun is based on the structure of the food chain, which includes birds such as the grey and white herons at the top of the food chain. This study also considers the development of the river's in terms of culture, environment and ecology concept.



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