조선중기 의생활 어휘에 대하여 - 순천 김씨묘 언문간찰 중심 -

On the Vocabulary of Clothing in the Middle of Chosun Dynasty - Base on Mrs. Soonchen Kim's Letters -

  • 장인우 (인천대학교 패션산업전공)
  • 발행 : 2002.07.01


The purpose of this study was to understand clothing culture in the middle of Chosun Dynasty by observing the vocabularies in Mrs. Sooncheon Kim's letters written in pure Korean in the 16th Centuries. To analyze the vocabulary, classification was made into three groups : names of clothing, material, verb, and observe the constituent and change on vocabularies. The results are as follows : - The vocabularies of clothing in letters in 16th Centuries consist of pure Korean, Chinese and Mongolia, and most of them are pure Korean. - Most of the vocabularies which are not used today were pure Korean : Garamei·Myentei…. - The vocabularies changed and used today had the definite meaning from that of general : Godo, Cheksum. The vocabularies of material haying various unit of measurement and grade according to the material of clothing mean the systematic development of physical culture of that time, and the development of the various modifications of the act and expression mean the varlous ways of clothing life.



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