경관계획에 대한 인식과 경관행정의 전개에 관한 연구 -광주.전남지역 경관관련 전문가 및 공무원을 대상으로 -

A Study on the Understanding of Urban landscape Planning and Administration - Survey of Specialists & Public Officers in Gwang-ju City and Chonnam Province, Korea -

  • 발행 : 2002.10.01


To make more beautiful and exciting scenery of a city, the design of private buildings has to be controlled in a way to improve the public amenity by the proper design of buildings ensuring views to natural assets in the city. And it is important to provide an urban landscape solution, while solving the afflictions of architects between their dream in individual architecture and the significances of Urban landcape as a whole. This research is based on the survey of the experts and public officers in the field of Urban landcape planning and administration in Gwang-ju City and Chonnam Province in Korea. The search reveals the following fact. Comparing the fact that some of foreign countries have proper systems of planning, regulations, guidelines, and design awards for the improvement of Urban landcape long time ago, the systems of Urban landcape planning and related administration in Korea is still in a primitive stage, due to the lack of the consideration of local characteristics and resources, variety of solutions, and setting of goals and objectives. Consequently, public enlightening of the importance of Urban landcape and the development of relevant contents in Urban landcape planning and administration are mostly required, to build up the system that can allow people to live in beautiful and good scenery of a city.



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