The Relationship between Community Values Taught at Home and the Soundness of Family Life

공동체적 가정교육의 실행과 가정건전도

  • 이영호 (성균관대학교 생활과학부) ;
  • 지영숙 (성균관대학교 생활과학부)
  • Published : 2002.10.01


This study was conducted to investigate how the community values taught at home by parents affect the soundness of family life. The 914 participants in the sample were parents residing in Seoul. Major findings are described in the following: 1) The general level education of community-oriented values at home, which was measured by the level of parents' practice of community-oriented behavior, was very insufficient. 2) The soundness of family life was measured in six sub-areas. The six areas showed varying degrees of soundness, but the overall level of soundness was satisfactory. The conjugal relationship had the highest degree of soundness, whereas the general everyday atmosphere at home marked the lowest level. 3) The only significant independent variable that affected the practice of community values was the participants's subjective perception of their social class standing. 4) The level of practice of community values and social class variables were found to influence the soundness of family life. The level of practice of community values was an especially strong predictor in all areas of family soundness. In conclusion, the education of community values at home, measured by the parental practice of community-oriented behavior, positively influences the soundness of the family.



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