A study on students′ utility cognition of Home Economics course

가정과 교육내용의 유용성 인지에 관한 연구 -중학교 ‘가족과 일의 이해’ 단원을 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2002.12.01


This study was designed to examine students' utility cognition and related variables on the ‘understanding of family and work’ in the Home Economics course. The subjects were 503 middle and high school students, and university students in Jeonju city. The results are as follows : 1) The level of utility cognition on the ‘attitude of sexuality’ was found to be relatively high in the Home Economics course. 2) There were gender difference in the evaluation of learning environment. and grade differences in the evaluation of learning environment, participation in class of Home Economics, needs for Home Economics, evaluation of learning environment. 3) The utility cognition of Home Economics course significantly differed by gender, participation in class of Home Economics. needs for Home Economics, evaluation of learning environment. and Perception of Home Economics. 4) The needs for Home Economics emerged as the most important variable in the utility cognition of Home Economics course.



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