Deadline Handling in Real-Time Distributed Object Oriented Programming of TMO

  • 발행 : 2002.10.01


Real-time(RT) object-oriented(00) distributed computing is a form of RT distributed computing realized with a distributed computer system structured in the form of an object network. Several approached proposed in recent years for extending the conventional object structuring scheme to suit RT applications, are briefly reviewed. Then the approach named the TMO(Time-triggered Message-triggered Object) structuring scheme was formulated with the goal of instigating a quantum productivity jump in the design of distributed time triggered simulation. The TMO scheme is intended to facilitate the pursuit of a new paradigm in designing distributed time triggered simulation which is to realize real-time computing with a common and general design style that does not alienate the main-stream computing industry and yet to allow system engineers to confidently produce certifiable distributed time triggered simulation for safety-critical applications. The TMO structuring scheme is a syntactically simple but semantically powerful extension of the conventional object structuring approached and as such, its support tools can be based on various well-established 00 programming languages such as C++ and on ubiquitous commercial RT operating system kernels. The Scheme enables a great reduction of the designers efforts in guaranteeing timely service capabilities of application systems.



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