The research on the situation and problem of domestic pest control company

국내방역회사 현황 및 문제점조사

  • 손종렬 (고려대 보건대학 환경보건과) ;
  • 유성덕 (고려대 보건대학 환경보건과) ;
  • 김영환 (고려대 보건대학 환경보건과) ;
  • 이용성 ((사)대한위생사협회)
  • Published : 2002.12.01


The purpose of this research was to get an alternative idea about the situation and problems of domestic pest control company We performed a questionnaire survey of 105 companies to find the situation and problems of pest control companies with and with out lincensed sanitarians. The investigation revealed the following issues and the conclusions summarized. 1. Companies with lincensed sanitarians have shown to put forth hygenic safety(62%) as first priority as to companies without sanitarians neglect hygenic safety and rank financial benefit(40%) as their priority. 2. Companies with lincensed sanitarians have directions on its use of pesticides but the companies without inspectors rely only on field experiences. 3. Companies with lincensed sanitarians are known to use the safety equipment. To the contrary, companies without sanitarians worked without the proper safety equipment safety gear. 4. Companies with sanitarians been regularly received educational Programs on chemicals used in the pest control. And then companies without did not have my other educational programs for chemicals they used.



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