Changes of Chromatic, Chemical and Organoleptic Characteristics of Green Leaf Tobaccos during Storage in Warehouse

미가공 잎담배 저장 중 색상, 화학성분 및 끽미 변화

  • Published : 2002.12.01


This study was carried out to investigate the changes of chromatic, chemical and organoleptic characteristics of green leaf tobaccos during storage in warehouse. Eight grades(flue-cured ; A2O, B2O, C2L and D2L, burley ; A2T, B2T, C2W and D2W) of green loaves produced in 2001 were stored during 8 months(Oct. 30, 2001 to Jun. 30, 2002) in warehouse of Kimcheon(flue-cured) and Namwon(burley) Leaf Tobacco Processing factory, respectively. Moisture contents of D2L in flue-cured and four grades in burley were significantly decreased during storage in warehouse. Redness(a) values of six grades except for D2L and D2W were significantly increased during storage. Lightness(L), yellow(b) and pH values, and the contents of nicotine, total nitrogen and total sugar were not changed during storage. Irritations of flue-cured tobacco were increased, whereas tastes were decreased during storage. Irritations and tastes of burley tobacco were little changed during storage. The result suggests that the flue-cured green leaf being processed as early as possible for minimizing the deterioration of smoke taste during storage in warehouse.



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