- 2000년 추계 대한 수학교육학회 연구발표대회 논문집 고상숙
- 학교수학의 교육적 기초 우정호
- MBC 스페셜 수학괴담
- Notices of the American Mathematical Society v.41 no.5 Probably true theorems, cry wolf? Babai, L.
- Bulletin de l'A.P.M.E.P. La demonstration mathematique: significations epistemologiques et questions didactiques Barbin, E.
- Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians How to prove a theorem so no one else can claim it Blum, M.
- Handbooks of Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning: A Project of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Geometry and spatial reasoning Clements, D. H.;Battista, M. T.;D. A. Grouses(Ed.)
- The Mathematical Experience Davis, P.;Hersh, R.
- Pythagoras v.24 The role and function of proof in mathematics de Villiers, M.
- Mathematical Thinking and Problem Solving The role of proof in problem solving Epp, S.
- Notices of the American Mathematical Society v.42 no.6 Experimentation and proof in mathematics Epstein, D.;Levy, S.
- Geometry in Mathematics Curriculum: 1973 Yearbook Geometry as a secondary school subjects Fehr, H. E.;K. B. Henderson(Ed.)
- For the Learning of Mathematics v.3 no.2 Intuition and proof Fischbein, E.
- Computing and Mathematics: The Impact on Secondary School Curricula Fey, J. T.
- Mathematical thinking and problem solving Comments on Susanna Epp's chapter Greeno, J.;A. Schoenfeld(Ed.)
- Interchange v.21 no.1 Some pedagogical aspects of proof Hanna, G.
- Curiosity and Exploration: Theories and Results Harlow, G.
- Handbooks of Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning: A Project of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Learning and teaching with understanding Hiebert, J.;Carpenter, T. P.;D. A. Grouses(Ed.)
- Scientific American v.269 no.4 The death of proof Horgan, J.
- The Geometer's Sketchpad Jackiw, N.
- The nature of mathematics knowledge Kitcher, P.
- Cabri Geometry[Computer Software] Labroratoire de Structures Discretes et de Didactique Institut d'Informatique et de Mathematiques Appliquees de Grenoble (IMAG)
- Proofs and refutations Lakatos, I.
- Journal for Research in Mathematics Education v.20 Proof frames of preservice elementary teachers Martin, W. G.;Harel, G.
- Teacher and Learning Mathematics: A Reader Questions about Geometry Mason, J.;D. Pimm(Eds.);E. Love(Eds.)
- Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
- Principles and Standards for School Mathematics National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
- Learning Mathematics: Issues, Theory, and Classroom Practice Orton, A.
- How to Solve It: A new aspect of mathematical method Polya, G.
- Mathematical Problem Solving and New Information Technologies: Research in Context of Practice Cognitive processes and social interactions in mathematical investigations Ponte, J. P.;Matos, J. F.;J. P. Ponte(Eds.);J. F. Matos(Eds.);J. M. Matos(Eds.);D. Fernandes(Eds.)
- Webster's Desk Dictionary of the English Language Random House Inc.
- The Geometric Supposer(Computer software) Schwartz & Yerushalmy
- Mathematics Teacher v.6 How well do students write geometry proofs Senk, S. L.
- Educational Studies in Mathematics v.24 no.4 Proof and pedagogy in ancient China: Examples from Liu Hui's commentary on Jiu Zhang Suan Siu, M-K.
- Philosophical Studies v.34 Mathematical Explanation Steiner, M.
- Mathematics Teacher v.78 The shape of instruction in geometry: Some highlights from research Suydam, M. N.
- Teaching & Learning Mathematics in The 1990s: 1991 NCTM Yearbook Adaptive teaching Steffe, L.;T. J. Cooney(Eds.);C. R. Hirsch(Eds.)
- Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society v.30 no.2 On proof and progress in mathematics Thurston, W. P.
- Philosophical investigations Wittgenstein, L.
- Notices of the American Mathematical Society v.40 no.8 Theorems for a price: Tomorrow's semi-rigorous mathematical culture Zeilberger, D.