유클리드 기하에서 테크놀로지 활용을 바탕으로 설명적 증명의 의미와 그에 따른 학습자료 계발

  • 고상숙 (단국대학교 수학교육과)
  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


The increasing use of computers in mathematics and in mathematics education is strongly reflected in the teaching on Euclid geometry, in particular in the use of dynamic graphics software. This development has raised questions about the role of analytic proof in school geometry. One can sometimes find a proof which is rather more explanatory than the one commonly used. Because we, math educators are concerned with tile explanatory power of the proofs, as opposed to mere verification, we should devise ways to use dynamic software in the use of explanatory proofs.



  1. 2000년 추계 대한 수학교육학회 연구발표대회 논문집 고상숙
  2. 학교수학의 교육적 기초 우정호
  3. MBC 스페셜 수학괴담
  4. Notices of the American Mathematical Society v.41 no.5 Probably true theorems, cry wolf? Babai, L.
  5. Bulletin de l'A.P.M.E.P. La demonstration mathematique: significations epistemologiques et questions didactiques Barbin, E.
  6. Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians How to prove a theorem so no one else can claim it Blum, M.
  7. Handbooks of Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning: A Project of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Geometry and spatial reasoning Clements, D. H.;Battista, M. T.;D. A. Grouses(Ed.)
  8. The Mathematical Experience Davis, P.;Hersh, R.
  9. Pythagoras v.24 The role and function of proof in mathematics de Villiers, M.
  10. Mathematical Thinking and Problem Solving The role of proof in problem solving Epp, S.
  11. Notices of the American Mathematical Society v.42 no.6 Experimentation and proof in mathematics Epstein, D.;Levy, S.
  12. Geometry in Mathematics Curriculum: 1973 Yearbook Geometry as a secondary school subjects Fehr, H. E.;K. B. Henderson(Ed.)
  13. For the Learning of Mathematics v.3 no.2 Intuition and proof Fischbein, E.
  14. Computing and Mathematics: The Impact on Secondary School Curricula Fey, J. T.
  15. Mathematical thinking and problem solving Comments on Susanna Epp's chapter Greeno, J.;A. Schoenfeld(Ed.)
  16. Interchange v.21 no.1 Some pedagogical aspects of proof Hanna, G.
  17. Curiosity and Exploration: Theories and Results Harlow, G.
  18. Handbooks of Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning: A Project of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Learning and teaching with understanding Hiebert, J.;Carpenter, T. P.;D. A. Grouses(Ed.)
  19. Scientific American v.269 no.4 The death of proof Horgan, J.
  20. The Geometer's Sketchpad Jackiw, N.
  21. The nature of mathematics knowledge Kitcher, P.
  22. Cabri Geometry[Computer Software] Labroratoire de Structures Discretes et de Didactique Institut d'Informatique et de Mathematiques Appliquees de Grenoble (IMAG)
  23. Proofs and refutations Lakatos, I.
  24. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education v.20 Proof frames of preservice elementary teachers Martin, W. G.;Harel, G.
  25. Teacher and Learning Mathematics: A Reader Questions about Geometry Mason, J.;D. Pimm(Eds.);E. Love(Eds.)
  26. Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
  27. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
  28. Learning Mathematics: Issues, Theory, and Classroom Practice Orton, A.
  29. How to Solve It: A new aspect of mathematical method Polya, G.
  30. Mathematical Problem Solving and New Information Technologies: Research in Context of Practice Cognitive processes and social interactions in mathematical investigations Ponte, J. P.;Matos, J. F.;J. P. Ponte(Eds.);J. F. Matos(Eds.);J. M. Matos(Eds.);D. Fernandes(Eds.)
  31. Webster's Desk Dictionary of the English Language Random House Inc.
  32. The Geometric Supposer(Computer software) Schwartz & Yerushalmy
  33. Mathematics Teacher v.6 How well do students write geometry proofs Senk, S. L.
  34. Educational Studies in Mathematics v.24 no.4 Proof and pedagogy in ancient China: Examples from Liu Hui's commentary on Jiu Zhang Suan Siu, M-K.
  35. Philosophical Studies v.34 Mathematical Explanation Steiner, M.
  36. Mathematics Teacher v.78 The shape of instruction in geometry: Some highlights from research Suydam, M. N.
  37. Teaching & Learning Mathematics in The 1990s: 1991 NCTM Yearbook Adaptive teaching Steffe, L.;T. J. Cooney(Eds.);C. R. Hirsch(Eds.)
  38. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society v.30 no.2 On proof and progress in mathematics Thurston, W. P.
  39. Philosophical investigations Wittgenstein, L.
  40. Notices of the American Mathematical Society v.40 no.8 Theorems for a price: Tomorrow's semi-rigorous mathematical culture Zeilberger, D.