기초통계교육에서 조건부확률의 이해

  • 박태룡 (서경대학교 수리정보통계학부) ;
  • 한정순 (한양대학교 과학기술학부) ;
  • 장인홍 (한양대학교 수학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


In this paper, we demonstrate that one can teach conditional probability in a manner consistent with many features of the statistics education reform movement. Presenting a variety of applications of conditional probability to realistic problems, we propose that interactive activities and the use of technology make conditional probability understandable, interactive, and interesting for students at a wide range of levels of mathematical ability. Along with specific examples, we provide guidelines for implementation of the activities in the classroom and instructional cues for promoting curiosity and discussion among students.



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