플라톤주의와 사회구성주의

  • 발행 : 2002.09.01


Platonist asserts the existence of abstract entities. Social constructivism views mathematics as a social construction. Platonism seems to be opposed to social constructivism. But this paper discusses the compatibility of Platonism and social constructivism.



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  4. The Philosophy of Mathematics Education Ernest Paul
  5. Social Constructivism As a Philosophy of Mathematics Ernest;Paul
  6. AMM v.102 no.7 Fresh breezes in the Philosophy of mathematics Hersh;Reuben
  7. Science Without Numbers Field;Hartry
  8. The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge Kitcher;Philip
  9. Realism in Mathematics Maddy;Panelope
  10. Objective Knowledge Popper, K.R;Rev.(ed.)
  11. Mathematics, Matter, and Method v.1 Putnam, H
  12. Nous v.15 Mathematics as a science of patterns: ontology and reference Resnik, M
  13. Philosophical Topics v.17 Structure and Ontology Shapiro, S
  14. New Directions in the Philosophy of Mathematics Tymoczko;Thomas(ed.)
  15. Philosophical Investigations WIttgenstein, L