- 수학 5-가 교육인적자원부
- 중국 수학사 김용운;김용국
- 동양 최고의 수학서 구장산술 유희;김혜경;윤주영
- 구장산술;주비산경 차종천
- Mathematical History-Activities, Puzzles, Stories, and Games(end ed.) Gonzales, N.A;Mitchell, M;Stone, A.P
- Historical topics for the mathematics classroom(2nd ed.) NCTM
Gu-Jang-San-Sul is a book of Chinese ancient mathematics and has had an impact on Korean mathematics. The book is organized into nine chapters and each chapter is composed of problems, answers, and their computation algorithms. The contents reflect the practicality of Chinese mathematics. Especially the first chapter covers the computation of fractions for land surveying. This paper suggests how the computation methodology is used in teaching fractions for primary school students. Five strategies for fractions related to the reduction, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are followed by: 1) developing the ability to apply rules to problems by practicing the computation process according to the given algorithm; 2) developing the communication skill by comparing the differences of various computation algorithms; 3) setting computation problems; 4) understanding the characteristics of terminology in mathematics; and 5) being exposed to new ideas in mathematics.