Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association (한국의상디자인학회지)
- Volume 4 Issue 3
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- Pages.55-64
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- 2002
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- 1229-7240(pISSN)
A Study on Grading Practices of Women이s Apparel Industry
여성 의류 업체의 그레이딩 실태 연구
The purpose of this study is to review the grading practices and size systems of women's apparel industry in Korea and thereby, analyze the grading problems to find their solutions. Compared with other pattern producing processes, the working principles and methods of grading seem to be consistent, repeatable and stable. Therefore, if the grading deviation setting and working method should be standardized and systematized, it is much easier to automate the grading work than other pattern works. Nevertheless, it was found through this study that grading deviation setting or its application depending on body forms or age groups is not systematic. Moreover, since size identifications, basic sizes or intervals differ among apparel businesses, consumers may be confused in selection of the apparels fitting their body forms. Thus, it is deemed necessary to precisely analyze consumers' body sizes and determine on grading gains or losses in consideration of the body forms.