보리 산물처리에 의한 품질변화와 생력효과

Effects of Post-Harvest Bulk Management System Using Rice Processing Complex on Labor Saving and Quality of Barley

  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


보리의 산물처리 확대를 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 미곡종합처리장을 이용한 보리 산물처리시 품질변화와 생력효과를 조사 분석한 결과는 다음과 같았다. 1. 정립율은 2.5-2.2mm의 비율이 가장 많았으며, 건조방식에 따른 차이는 없었다. 2. 경도는 건조방식에 따른 차이는 없었고, 색도는 산물건조와 관행인 천일건조와 차이는 없었다. 3. 흡수율은, 고형용출물, 퍼짐성 등의 취반특성은 건조방식에 따른 차이는 없었다. 4. 산물처리에 의하여 관행의 ha당 46시간에 비하여 21시간으로 54.3%의 생력효과가 있었고, 수확 후 관리는 54.3% 생력화되었다. 5. 산물처리로 수확 후 관리노력이 관행에 비하여 ha당 25시간이 절감되어 101,83원의 경영비 절감효과가 있었다.

Post-harvest treatment for barley production requires many steps including drying, cleaning, and packing, and these steps be needed many labor input. Rice processing complex (RPC) is useful for post harvest management system in rice production. However, it is rare to be used for barley production. This study was conducted to explore the variations of quality and labor saving between conventional method and bulk-management system in post-harvest using RPC. The sorting rate was not different between manual method and bulk management. The hardness of non-polished grain was ranged 10,175-10,329 g/$3.14mm^2$, and that for non-polished grain was higher than that for polished grain, but there was not different between drying method. There was not be showed the hunter's value such as L, a and b according to drying method. Cooking characters such as water absorption ratio, swelling ratio, and water soluble extracts by circulated or continued dryer was higher than manual drying using solar heat. Labor input per ha for each cultivation process in bulk-management of barley using rice processing complex was 21 hours, compared to 46 hr/ha in the conventional method, labor input was greatly saved by up to 54.3% in the post-harvest bulk management system.



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