Dynamics of All-Optical Switching in Bacteriorhodopsin and its Application to Optical Computing

  • Singh, C.P. (Department of Physics and Computer Science Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University)) ;
  • Roy, Sukhdev (Department of Physics and Computer Science Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University))
  • 발행 : 2002.08.01


All-optical switching has been demonstrated in bacteriorhodopsin (bR) based on nonlinear intensity induced excited state absorption. The transmission of a cw probe laser beam at 410 nm corresponding to the peak absorption of M state through a bR film is switched by a pulsed pump laser beam at 570 nm that corresponds to the maximum initial 8 state absorption. The switching characteristics have been analyzed using the rate equation approach considering all the six intermediate states (B, K, L, M, N and 0) in the bR photocycle. The switching characteristics are shown to be sensitive to life time of the M state, absorption cross-section of the 8 state at probe wavelength ($\sigma$ $\_$Bp/) and peak pump intensity. It has been shown that the probe laser beam can be completely switched off (100 % modulation) by the pump laser beam at relatively low pump powers, for $\sigma$$\_$Bp/ = O. The switching characteristics have been used to design all-optical NOT, OR, AND and the universal NOR and NAND logic gates for optical computing with two pulsed pump laser beams.
