철도문화디자인의 정체성 구현과 전략 시나리오 구축

Building Identity and Strategic Scenarios for Railway Culture Design

  • 한석우 (철도전문대학원 철도문화디자인학과) ;
  • 진미자 (철도전문대학원 철도문화디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


This study suggests a new paradigm to build the identity of railway culture design, since it plays a critical role in enhancing competitiveness of culture and design. It is considered to be a valuable factor to improve users' satisfaction and to have a new effect on the railway industry. This study is focused on systematic study on the culture & design and competitiveness for railway industry, that emphasizing on making necessary strategic scenarios accordingly. Consequently, it is going to make higher added values to secure a footing and advanced images of railway industry.



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