The purpose of this article is to present the acoustic parameters (VOT, jitter, shimmer, vF0, vAm, NHR, SPI, VTI, DVB, DSH) for consonants (/pipi/, /$p^{h}ip^{h}i$/, /p'ip'i/) and sustained vowels (/a/, /e/, /i/) produced by normal subjects and dysphonia patients at two vocal effort(normal, high) by Lombard effect using 60dB white noise. Lombard effect indicates the vocal effort increase in noisy situation. At normal vocal effort, in general the acoustic parameter values of patients are greater than normal. And in noisy situation, significant decrease of acoustic values is seen in normal compared with in dysphonia patients. The clinical implication of this finding, the vocal quality in dysphonia is not compensated by vocal effort as well as normal subjects because of the inefficiency caused by abnormal vocal fold appearance and function. And with this result, we can counsel that the voice quality can not be improved as well as the patient expect.