- 東醫腫瘍學 최승훈
- 2001년 사망원인통계결과 통계청
- 인간생명과학 박재갑
- 임상호흡기학 한용철
- 中醫學 臨床病理 北京中醫學院(編)
- 내과학회지 v.16 瀉白散과 瀉白散訶黎勒이 呼吸器系에 미치는 影響. 이순호;한상환
- 내과학회지 v.16 肺實證에 응용된 瀉白散의 文獻的 考察 이순호;한상환
- 내과학회지 v.11 瀉白散이 Compound 48/80에 의하여 유도된 Anaphylatic Shock와 피하반응에 미치는 影響 김민호;한상환;전병득
- 東醫寶鑑 許浚
- Int. J. Oncol. v.21 Tetrandrine- induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in A549 human lung carcinoma cells. Lee, J,H.;Kang, G.H.;Kim, K.C.;Kim, K.M.;Park, D.I.;Choi, B.T.;Kang, H.S.;Lee, Y.T.;Choi, Y.H.
- Exp. Mol. Med. v.33 Research technics for the cell cycle study Choi, Y.H.
- J. Biol. Chem. v.272 Regulation of cyclin D1 by calpain protease. Choi, Y.H.;Lee, S.J.;Nguyen, P.;Jang, J.S.;Lee, J.;Wu, M.L.;Takano, E.;Maki, M.;Henkart, P.A.;Trepel, J.B.
- 漢藥臨床應用 李尙仁
- 本草綱目 李時珍
- 臨床本草學 辛民敎
- Cancer Res v.60 The Pezcoller lecture: cancer cell cycles revisited. Sherr, C.J.
- Cell v.81 The retinoblastoma protein and cell cycle control. Weinberg, R.A.
- Mol. Cell. Biol. v.14 D-type cyclin-dependent kinase activity in mammalian cells. Matsushime, H.;Quelle, D.E.;Shurtleff, S.A.;Shibuya, M.;Sherr, C.J.; Kato, J.Y.
- Mol. Cell. Biol. v.14 Identification of G1 kinase activity for cdk6, a novel cyclin D partner. Meyerson, M.;Harlow, E.
- Science v.257 Formation and activation of a cyclin E-cdk2 complex during the G1 phase of the human cell cycle. Koff, A.;Giordano, A.;Desai, D.;Yamashita, K.;Harper, J.W.;Elledge, S.;Nishimoto, T.;Morgan, D.O.;Franza, B.R.;Roberts, J.M.
- Science v.259 Cyclin-dependent regulation of G1 in mammalian fibroblasts. Ohtsubo, M.;Roberts, J.M.
- Cell v.67 Cyclin A is required for the onset of DNA replication in mammalian fibroblasts. Girard, F.;Strausfeld, U.;Fernandez, A.;Lamb, N.J.
- Nature v.354 Role for cyclin A in the dependence of mitosis on completion of DNA replication. Walker, D.H.;Maller, J.L.
- EMBO J. v.15 The proteolysis of mitotic cyclins in mammalian cells persists from the end of mitosis until the onset of S phase. Brandeis, M.;Hunt, T.
- Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. v.6 Cdk inhibitors: on the threshold of checkpoints and development. Elledge, S.J.;Harper, J.W.
- Nature v.374 Principles of CDK regulation. Morgan, D.O.
- Nature v.366 Inhibition of CDK2 activity in vivo by an associated 20K regulatory subunit. Gu, Y.;Turck, C.W.;Morgan, D.O.
- Cell v.75 The p21 Cdk-interacting protein Cip1 is a potent inhibitor of G1 cyclin-dependent kinases. Harper, J.W.;Adami, G.R.;Wei, N.;Keyomarsi, K.;Elledge, S.J.
- Cell v.75 WAF1 a potential mediator of p53 tumor suppression. El-Deiry, W.S.;Tokino, T.;Velculesco, V.E.;Levy, D.B.;Parsons, R.; Trent, J.M.;Lin, D.;Mercer, E.W.;Kinzler, K.W.;Vogelstain, B.
- Nature v.366 p21 is a universal inhibitor of cyclin kinases. Xiong, Y.;Hannon, G.;Zhang, H.;Casso, D.;Kobayashi, R.;Beach, D.
- Cancer Res. v.54 WAF1/CIP1 is induced in p53-mediated G1 arrest and apoptosis. El-Deiry, W.S.;Harper, J.W.;O'Connor, P.M.;Velculescu, V.E.; Canman, C.E.;Jackman, J.;Pietenpol, J.A.;Burrell, M.;Hill, D.E.;Wang, Y.; Wiman, K.G.;Mercer, W.E.;Kastan, M.B.;Kohn, K.W.;Elledge, S.J.; Kinzler, K.W.;Vogelstain, B.
- Annu. Rev. Med. v.53 Cyclooxygenase-2: a therapeutic target. Turini, M.E.;DuBois, R.N.
- Best Pract. Res. Clin. Gastroenterol. v.15 COX-2 inhibition and prevention of cancer. Giercksky, K.E.
- Int. J. Cancer v.94 Is COX-2 inhibition a panacea for cancer prevention? Vainio, H.
- J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol. v.127 Cyclooxygenase-2: a novel target for cancer chemotherapy? Dempke, W.;Rie, C.;Grothey, A.;Schmoll, H.J.
Mutat. Res.
Molecular mechanisms underlying chemopreventive activities of anti-inflammatory phytoche- micals: down-regulation of COX-2 and iNOS through suppression of NF-
$\kappa$ B activation. Surh, Y.J.;Chun, K.S.;Cha, H.H.;Han, S.S.;Keum, Y.S.;Park, K.K.; Lee, S.S. - Int. J. Mol. Med. v.2 Cox-2, iNOS and p53 as play-makers of tumor angiogenesis. Chiarugi, V.;Magnelli, L.;Gallo, O.
- Lab. Invest. v.79 Cyclooxygenase inhibitors suppress angiogenesis and reduce tumor growth in vivo. Sawaoka, H.;Tsuji, S.;Tsujii, M.;Gunawan, E.S.;Sasaki, Y.;Kawano, S.;Hori, M.
- J. Natl. Cancer Inst. v.94 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as anticancer agents: mechanistic, pharmacologic, and clinical issues. Thun, M.J.;Henley, S.J.;Patrono, C.
- J. Clin. Invest. v.107 Therapeutic potential of inhibition of the NF-κB pathway in the treatment of inflammation and cancer. Yamamoto, Y.;Gaynor, R.B.