베르디 오페라 "La Traviata" 이미지의 의상(衣裳) 디자인 연구(硏究) - "Violetta" 이미지의 여성복(女性服)디자인을 중심(中心)으로 -

A Study on Fashion Design of the Image of Verdi's Opera "La Traviata" - Centering on the Design of Women's Clothes with Images of "Violetta" -

  • 최봄시내 (이화여자대학교 의류직물학과) ;
  • 조규화 (이화여자대학교 의류직물학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.06.30


With the most popular and beloved Verdi's "La Traviata" as the subject in the year 2001, which is the 100th anniversary of his death, the present study discusses the arias by the main character "Violetta" and the characteristics, images, clothes and their symbolism expressed through and stage costumes of major performances shown in Korea and abroad. Furthermore, the purposes of the present study are to propose a new fashion brand image called "Violetta look" by incorporating this image into current fashion to join fashion and stage, and to actually design and producing these clothes. Therefore, stage costumes of characters shown in the limited space called stage were connected with the study of characters' images and applied into the current fashion as a brand image, and from the industrial aspect, a high value added fashion brand image was created.



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  5. 오를랑(Orlean)家가 공화주의자의 반대에도 불구하고 오를랑公 루이 필립 (Louis Philippe)을 왕으로 추대하고 금융귀족의 부르조아적 과두 지배체제를 성립하여 금융봉건 체제를 함. 금융가에게는 유리하지만 노동자에 대한강경 한 탄압정책을 폄
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  16. 국립오페라단 팜플렛, p. 30
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