동의보감(東醫寶鑑) 중(中) 갈근(葛根)이 주약(主藥)으로 배오(配伍)된 처방(處方)의 방제학적(方劑學的) 고찰(考察)

Studies on application of Radix Puerariae main blended Prescription from Donguibogam

  • Cho Nae-Jin (GwangAn Oriental Medicine Clinic) ;
  • Yun Young-Gab (Department of prescription, in Oriental Medicine Wonkwang University)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.20


Through investigation on prescriptions from Dongeuibogam with Radix Puerariae as an ingredient, the following conclusions were reached. The 59 prescriptions with Radix Puerariae as an ingredient are mentioned from chapter of Pediatrics to chapter of Intestinal Convulsions. And 85% of those appears from chapter of Pediatrics to chapter of coughs. Prescriptions with Radix Puerariae as the main ingredient are used for skin diseases, cold, epidemics, abscess, diabetes, stroke, feverish diseases, intestinal diseases, weakness and cough. The dosage of Radix Puerariae varies from 0.875g to 11.25g. 3.75g was the most frequently used dosage which accounts 44%. And those with small dosage of 0.875 to 1.125g were for use on infants or pregnant women. The grounding pathology used for prescriptions with Radix Puerariae as an ingredient appeared to be mostly the pathology related to the Six External Qi. Among this, wind with cold(風寒), wind, cold with heat and humidity(風寒署濕), catching cold(傷寒), successively catching cold(兩感傷寒), cold of the Yangmyung and heat clogging(陽明傷寒火鬱), abnormal weather(時令不正) are the majority. Through the prescriptions with Radix Puerariae as an ingredient, it could be concluded Radix Puerariae that has various functions such as sweating and removing rash(發表透疹), exhalation and curing muscular ache(發散解肌), producing body fluid and ceasing thirst(生津止渴), opening abscess and healing the scar(托瘡生肌), removal of fever(解熱), resolving hangover(醒酒). Seungmagalguntang(升麻葛根湯) is used as the base prescription the most, and various prescriptions and herbs are combined according to the case.



  1. 臨床本草學 辛民敎
  2. 申氏本草學 申佶求
  3. 中華本草 國家中醫藥管理局 中華本草編委會
  4. 本草綱目 李時珍
  5. 編註醫學入門 內集卷2 本草 이천
  6. 圖解 鄕藥(生藥)大辭典 鄭普燮(외)
  7. 中藥現代硏究與應用 第5卷 鄭虎占(外 主編)
  8. 中華本草 國家中醫藥管理局 中華本草編委會
  9. 圖說韓方醫藥大事典 陳存仁
  10. 재편집동의학사전 과학백과사전출판사
  11. 中華臨床中藥學 雷裁權(外 共編)
  12. 方劑의 體系的 構成을 위한 臨床配合本草學 康秉秀(外 共著)
  13. 臨證用藥配伍指南 楊濟(外 共編)
  14. 古今樂方縱橫 周鳳梧
  15. 漢藥의 配合과 臨床應用 梁基相
  16. 原本東醫寶鑑 許浚(著)
  17. 丹溪心法附餘 朱震亨
  18. 河間醫集 劉守眞
  19. 改訂版 東垣十種醫書 李東垣
  20. 衛生寶鑒 羅天益
  21. 萬病回春 공정현
  22. 古今醫鑑 공신
  23. 醫學正傳 虞搏
  24. 太平惠民和劑局方 太平惠民和劑局
  25. 醫學綱目 樓英
  26. 醫壘元戎 王好古
  27. 世醫得效方 危亦林
  28. 國譯編註醫學入門 이천
  29. 活人書 朱肱