가감팔물탕(加減八物湯)을 투여한 아토피 피부염 환자 104명의 경표피수분손실율 변화

Changes in transepidermal water loss after medication of Gagampalmultang to 104 patients with atopic dermatitis

  • 발행 : 2003.06.20


The skin is a barrier between the living organism and its environment, and this barrier function resides in the stratum corneum. The main function of the stratum corneum is to serve as a barrier preventing the penetration of irritants and transepidermal water loss(TEWL). The rate of transepidermal water loss is a convenient parameter for expressing barrier function. Impaired barrier function was manifested by a greatly increased rate of transepidermal water loss. In atopic dermatitis the rate of transepidermal water lossis greatly increased transepidermal water loss. Medication of Gagampalmultang restored to normal the abnormally high rates of transepidermal water loss in the 104 patients with atopic dermatitis. It specifically plays an important role in regulating barrier function.



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