국내 가열식품군의 아크릴아마이드 예비 모니터링

Preliminary Acrylamide Monitoring of Domestic Heat-Treated Food Products

  • 발행 : 2003.08.01


2002년 4월 스웨덴의 국립식품청인 SNFA(Swedish National Food Administration)에서 발암의심 물질인 아크릴아마이드가 식품에서 검출되었다고 보고하였다. 그 후 영국, 노르웨이, 스위스, 독일, 미국, 일본, 캐나다 등에서 가열 처리된 식품 중 아크릴아마이드 생성을 확인하였다. 이에 본 연구에서는 미국 FDA에서 추천하는 Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry(LC-MS/MS) 방법을 이용하여 국내 식품의 아크릴아마이드 검출양을 모니터링하였다. 모니터링 결과, 원료식품인 생감자와, 쌀을 원료로 하여 가열한 밥에서는 아크릴아마이드가 검출되지 않았으며, 도넛은 <30, 36 ppb 검출되었다. 건빵은 854, 1081 ppb 식빵에서는 <30 ppb, 시리얼은 $51{\sim}283\;ppb$ 검출되었다. 감자칩과 감자스낵은 $598{\sim}1709\;ppb$, 비스킷은 $115{\sim}241\;ppb$, 후렌치 후라이는 $341{\sim}1896\;ppb$ 검출되었다. 커피는 $160{\sim}220\;ppb$, 초코릿은 $47{\sim}63\;ppb$ 검출되었다.

Acrylamide is considered as potential carcinogen and genotoxicant. Swedish National Food Administration reported that acrylamide was detected in heat treated starch rich food products. Acrylamide formation during food processing was confirmed by researchers of other countries including UK, Norway, Japan, Switzerland, and United States. It is noticed that the formation of acrylamide in potato products was greater than other food products. It may be due to high concentration of asparagine and glucose in potato products comparing to those of other food products. Interaction between asparagine and glucose during heat treatment resulted in acrylamide formation via Maillard reaction. Analytical method (LC-MS/MS) adopted by FDA was performed to monitor acrylamide concentrations in domestic food products. Acrylamide quantitation in several food categories, such as raw materials, boiled foods, fried foods, hardtacks, breads, breakfast cereals, potato chips, french fries, biscuits, and others, were carried out.



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