첩약의 보험급여 적용을 위한 과제 및 접근방안에 대한 연구

A Study of Task and Approach for the Insurance Fee Application of Packed Medical Herbs

  • Park Yong-Sin (Pyung-Hwa Oriental Clinic) ;
  • Cho Byung-Hee (School of Public Health Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim Ho (School of Public Health Seoul National University) ;
  • Lee Si-Baek (School of Public Health Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.29


We met results like the followings through the literatures and questionnaires about the tasks and solutions about the insurance fee of packed medical herbs. 1) It's turned out that 74.8% of herb doctors agrees to the insurance fee of packed medical herbs. However, in comparison with the same survey of the herb doctor association the percentage of general approval went somewhat lower, and especially the percentage of 'positive approval' became notably lower$(43.7%{\rightarrow}26.5%)$ and the percentage of 'active objection' raised about 2 times$(6.8%{\rightarrow}12.9%)$. Inquiring into the approval reasons on the insurance fee application of packed medical herbs some heads such as 'development toward treatment medical science' and 'decrease of publics burden' were higher than the one of 'management income and expenditure.' 2) As a result of the research, 36.0% of the patients and 42.8% of the residents recognized that the pay range of Chinese herb health insurance is narrow. They recognized that less people have the experiences of Chinese medical hospital use and internal application of the packed medical herbs as they are older, men rather than women. 85.4% of the patients and 74.9% of the residents agreed on the insurance pay of packed medical herbs. It's shown that they agree on the Chinese medical hospital use more as the economic standard is lower, on the insurance pay as they have ever taken the packed medical herbs. In the aspect of increase of insurance fee, 66.7% of the patients and 44.3% of the residents agreed on the insurance pay of packed medical herbs, and 18.1% and 36.1% disagreed on the insurance pay of packed medical herbs. The main objective reason why they disagree on the insurance pay of packed medical herbs was 'because the insurance fee goes up higher,' which answered 95.2% of the patients and 78.8% of the residents. 7.22% of the patients and 1.80% of the residents answered that they can pay more insurance fee in case of the insurance pay of packed medical herbs. However, in the priority order of the insurance pay, it hold the 5th position between 2 target research groups which was less than medical examination, charges for hospital accommodation and taking MRI. 3) According to the result of analysis about the cost of packed medical herbs, current practice price is 115,000 won and the average prime cost of a packed medical herb is 73,000 to 106,000 won. It's examined that the herb doctors regard that 95,000 won will be reasonable when the packed medical herb is payed in insurance. However, it was found out that the public generally thinks that the price would be appropriate on the level of 30,000 to 40,000 won and the percentage of the answers of 20,000 won to 30,000 was fairly high. 4) the central system of a prescription should be change into the central system of demonstration and the sick and wounded. 5) To solve this problem, the government should regulate it to pass by the circulation gradation of [importer, $peasantry{\rightarrow}manufacturer{\rightarrow}wholesaler{\rightarrow}distributor$(Chinese medical hospital, pharmacy dispensary of Chinese medicine)]And it should intervene into the quality and the circulation steps of Chinese medicine through 'the office or organization which is in charge of certification of Chinese medicine' and 'the office or organization which is in charge of the circulation of Chinese medicine.' And some actions such as simple severance, lavation, drying should be included into the conception of manufacture and the boundary between food and medical supplies should be made at a manufactory. And the regulation of standardized goods at one's own house should be improved so that, the peasantry can sell the materials of Chinese medicine only to the manufacturer. 6) In company with the insurance pay of packed medical herbs, the study about the separation of dispensary from medical practice in the Chinese medicine should be accomplished.



  1. 건강(의료)보험 통계연보 국민건강보험공단
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  3. 대한한의학회지 v.17 no.2 한방의료의 가격인하전략이 한방의료에 대한 수요와 경영수지에 미치는 영향 김진현(외)
  4. 한약재 유통구조 개선방안에 관한 실증적 연구 노상부
  5. 대한한의사협회 내부자료 첩약의보 추진안
  6. 방제기술료 및 한${\cdot}$양방 상병분류 개정작업에 관한 연구 대한한의사협회
  7. 약재감모율설정에 관한 연구 및 상병에 따른 첩약보험급여 방법에 관한 연구 대한한의사협회
  8. 한국한의 표준 의료행위 분류 대한한의사협회
  9. 한방건강보험 약제급여 개선방안 및 상병범위에 관한 연구 대한한의사협회
  10. 한방요법의 건강보험화 방안에 관한 연구 이종수
  11. 한약(첩약)건강보험 대책에 관한 연구 대한한의사협회
  12. 한국건강보험론 문옥륜(외)
  13. 민족의학 신문
  14. 한약관련 법령집 보건복지부 한의약담당관실
  15. 건강보험요양급여 비용내역 보건복지부 한의약담당관실
  16. 보건복지(사회)통계연보 보건복지부 한의약담당관실
  17. 한방건강보험 요양급여기준, 진료 수가 및 약재비 산정기준 보건복지부 한의약담당관실
  18. 식품으로 유통되는 한약재 수입현황 협조 공문 부산식품의약품안전청
  19. 의약분업의 효율적 시행방안 사회보장위원회
  20. 원광대 석사논문 한방의료의 구조적 갈등에 관한 의료사회학적 연구 서동진
  21. 경산대 박사논문 한의학의 발전과정과 사회기여도에 관한 연구 송경섭
  22. 한의원 경영수지분석 연구 보고서 안건회계법인
  23. 경영수지분석 연구 보고서 안건회계법인한의원
  24. 한의원 경영수지분석 연구 보고서 안건회계법인한의원
  25. 건강보험 no.77;79;80 한방건강보험 실시에 대한 소고 - 청주${\cdot}$청원 지역 첩약시범사업 시행계획 중심으로 양명생
  26. 의료총론 유승흠;양재모
  27. 경희대 석사논문 한방건강보험에 대한 설문조사 연구 이범용
  28. 서울대 보건대학원 석사논문 한방의료의 보험급여에 관한 연구 이태희
  29. 서울대 보건대학원 석사논문 우리나라 한방건강보험제도에 관한 연구 최용민
  30. 동국대 박사논문 한국한방의료제도와 정책의 개선방안에 관한 연구 최용민
  31. 장래인구추계 통계청
  32. 한방첩약의 적정가격 산출 한국보건사회연구원
  33. 다빈도 한약재 소비 형태 및 가격구조 실태조사 연구 한국보건산업진흥원
  34. 한약품질 및 유통관리체계 개선방안 연구 한국보건산업진흥원
  35. 한약자가규격품 관리방안 연구 한국보건산업진흥원
  36. 한방의료수가 구조설정에 관한 연구 한국보건의료관리연구원
  37. 한약(첩약)가격의 적정화 방안 연구 한국보건의료관리연구원
  38. 한방의료수가 체계구축을 위한 한방의료기관 경영수지 분석조사연구 한국사회보장문제연구소
  39. 한방의료기관 경영수지 분석연구 보고서 한국생산성본부
  40. 적정의약분업 방안에 관한 연구 한국인구보건연구원
  41. 한방건강보험 활성화를 위한 한약 및 한약제제의 보험급여 확대 모형 개발 한국한의학연구소
  42. 한의학 중장기 예측기획 연구 한국한의학연구소
  43. 한방의료 이용실태 및 개선방안 연구 한국한의학연구원
  44. 한의신문