A Resource, Ecological and Environmental Problems of Marine Recreational Fisheries and the Need for Institutional Management

해양낚시의 자원 및 생태환경적 문제와 제도적 관리의 필요성

  • Received : 2003.04.01
  • Accepted : 2003.06.03
  • Published : 2003.07.31


Marine recreational fishing is one of the most popular outdoor leisures and the number of people who are participating is sharply increasing more and more because of the increasement of their income and demand for marine leisure. However our ecosystem is inevitably facing marine environmental deterioration and overfishing. That is because marine recreational fisheries resources are common property resources which can be catched by anyone not willing to pay for them except their private costs as commercial fisheries. Also fisheries resources unlike other resources are renewable resources and have a critical zone. That is, having a possibility of severe depletion may result from high discount rates used by private exploiters. This paper is focused on that marine recreational fishing license system which is adopted in most advanced countries such as Canada and U.S. and included in deterioration. And money obtained by license fee should be spent for more improvement fishing culture and welfare for marine recreational fishers.This system can lower the high rates of discount and be useful to become a sustainable marine recreational fishing industry.



Supported by : 한국학술진흥재단


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